CB Insight

How will new trends and technologies bring challenges to this young generation?

How will new trends and technologies bring challenges to this young generation?

Have you ever been asked the question ”What do you want to be when you grow up?” You may have answers such as a professional athlete, singer, astronaut, president of the U.S.A, etc. Then time flies by and you realize that you are in a new generation, which is significantly different from what your parents had. What will your future ofA lot of jobs didn’t exist 10 years ago, for example, YouTubers, social media influencers, E-sport gamers, and so forth. The technology iterates frequently and leads to an alternative lifestyle. Meanwhile, it also brings challenges to this young generation.According to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in 2020, the meeting indicated several new trends and warnings for the career of the new generation. Having a sophisticated skill is no longer…
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Floss or loss, you choose.

Floss or loss, you choose.

“Every corner of every street in Taipei, you could probably see a 7-11 convenience store. But as a matter of fact, there are more dental clinics than 7-11 convenience stores in Taiwan,” said Ivan Tsou, the founder of Formosation Oral Tech. Ivan Tsou, the Founder of Formosation Oral Tech Tsou, developed a passion for dental knowledge when he was a sales representative in a dental equipment supply company. His original background is in business management. “When dentists communicate with each other, they use terminologies such as prophylaxis, prosthesis, interproximal and you will think to yourself, “what?”, said Tsou. So, that was the impetus: giving him a thirst for learning, including equipment, practices, terminologies, and processes; and gaining a deep understanding of it -all in less than a month. As well…
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9 Social Media Channels that performs best in Taiwan

9 Social Media Channels that performs best in Taiwan

The digital landscape has been evolving continuously, and companies must keep track of current trends to survive in the market. Social Media is one of the Digital Marketing channels by which the business can quickly reach their targeted customers. Small and Medium-sized business uses social media as an effective medium to attract leads, promote brand awareness, and engage with their customers. In this article, we are going to see the best performing social media channels in Taiwan. Through this article, we can understand the user's demographics and how we can utilize these social media platforms to drive growth for businesses in Taiwan.            1. Instagram                                         Instagram is one…
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Value-added Approaches and Practices on the areas of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Industry Cooperation of CYCU 中原大學

Value-added Approaches and Practices on the areas of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Industry Cooperation of CYCU 中原大學

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This article presents Chung Yuan Christian University’s中原大學 (CYCU) value-added approaches and practices, specifically, on the areas of innovation, entrepreneurship, and industry cooperation. Innovation is part of its competitive advantage while entrepreneurship and industry cooperation is realized through its developmental objectives. The presentation focuses on the Executive Operation Office for Industry-Academia Cooperation (EOOIAC) of CYCU. It provides the approaches and practices of transforming a campus idea into successful startups. Best approaches suggest that the value-added is the systematic support system to shepherd potential entrepreneurs to have confidence in transitioning ideas into facilitating the need of humanity.CYCU is a leading integrated private university in Taiwan that traces its roots from its early beginnings in 1953 and 1980 when it became a university.  Currently, it offers 38 graduate programs and 13 Ph.D. programs in…
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A Bar of Soap: What More Could It Be?

A Bar of Soap: What More Could It Be?

[Startup Spotlight - Ann Chen]Entrepreneurship does often lend itself to the question of ‘what if’ leaning a business away from its initially steered direction toward the ideal. It’s compelling to imagine what the world would look like today if either W. Colgate had not produced the ‘Cashmere Bouquet’ soap in 1866, nor without the existence of Procter & Gamble’s ‘Ivory’ in 1879. And, we all have our own practices of personal hygiene complied or avoided in fighting the coronavirus pandemic, for better or worse.Ann Chen the entrepreneur is merely one of four Ann Chens. She is one of the Olympic gold medalists in history, TV host, and by all accounts, hardly less remarkable as an author. When Chen joined the STARTBOARD incubation program, she already knew what she wanted.  Sitting…
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Is it possible to make speakers even smaller? Acoustic design startup: beyond your imagination.

Is it possible to make speakers even smaller? Acoustic design startup: beyond your imagination.

【Startup Spotlight–Sounds Great】As we are provided with a wide range of social media influencers, platforms such as YouTube, Netflix, and Hulu, each tries their very best to attract our attention. This ongoing influence leads us to continue to watch the next video that is recommended by the algorithm.According to studies, about 78% of people are watching online videos every day in Taiwan, therefore the average time of watching is 1.6 hours per day. The thriving media industry is also bringing an increased demand for audio and visual equipment. The research institute, GHK, indicated that the first half of 2019, the global speakers and headphones market reached USD 8.7 billion. In this industry with a bright future, there is an acoustic design startup from Taiwan, that will undoubtedly blow our minds…
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