IAPS East Asia Perspective

Leading the Audience Through Perspective: Enter East Asia Through the Lens

CrossBond has collaborated with the IAPS (Industry Accelerator and Patent Strategy) of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University to design social media templates for the new article series, IAPS East Asia Perspective. This series aims to provide a wealth of information about East Asia, offering teams aspiring to expand into the region valuable insights and resources.

Inspired by the concept of a lens, the eye—humanity’s most sensitive sense for discovering new perspectives—became the foundation of the design. The CrossBond team took the audience's viewpoint as the starting point, using the curvature of an eye's corner as the central design element. Two overlapping color blocks form the "eye corner," symbolizing the harmonious blending of Taiwan and East Asia.

The color scheme retains IAPS's signature blue tones, with varying depths to create a more layered and dynamic visual effect. This design not only reflects the vibrancy of East Asia but also the spirit of collaboration and exchange between Taiwan and its neighboring regions.

IAPS East Asia Perspective
IAPS East Asia Perspective

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