【WuPaoChun Bakery Founder】Wu Pao Chun
Topic: The Partnership Story between the Worldwide Award Winning Bakery and Singapore Businesses
【STARTBOARD Consultant】陳永乾
Topic: Taiwan – The Best Environment for Entrepreneurship
【Qsearch Founder】周世恩
Topic: How Taiwanese Startups Expand to Singapore Market and Work with the Government
【ZUZU Hospitality Solutions Taiwan Market CEO】謝怡瑩
Topic: How Singapore Startups Expand to Taiwan and Ways to Face Challenges
Special Guests:
【Taipei Bar Association Vice Chairman ASEAN Representative】俞伯璋
【Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce Thailand Chairman】Stanley Kang
Thailand Business Market Analysis
【Louis Consultants】俞伯璋
Risk Analysis and Case Studies for Taiwanese Startups Expanding to Thailand
【Yallvend Founder】黃建堯
Taiwanese Brand Expanding to Thailand – Revolution of Vending machine台
【Taiwan Legislator】余宛如立法委員
【 Vietnam Startup Foundation (VSF)商務長】 Mandy Nguyen
Welcome Speech
Taiwanese Brand Expanding to Vietnam: Operation in Vietnam Market
【NCTV Assistant】阮氏眉
Vietnamese E-commerce and Press: Expanding to Vietnamese Market
【Vietnam Student Council Vice President】 Mr. Dee
Vietnamese Talents in Taiwan: Taiwanese and Vietnamese Business Partnership and Talent Advantages
【Innoviz Founder】阮清彰
Vietnamese Startup Opportunities and Challenges in Taiwan
The circular design symbolizes “continuity” and “connection” which perfectly resembles the relationship between the society and law. The connected dots in the background extended to infinity which stands for revolution. The overall color is well-suited for the tone of ASEAN Commercial Law forum, calm with a touch of brightness.
Upon invitation from the Ministry of Labor from the Malaysian Government, CrossBond taught Malaysian students three-hour marketing online classes every night for two weeks. The classes include but not limited to the following topics: Branding, Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, Design, Website Building, Photography and so on.